I never paid much attention to antiques. For most of my life I considered them “leftover stuff;” usually dusty and taking up space, not something of great value, or worth paying a storage unit to preserve. Recently, my perspective has shifted.
While I never intended for The Pack Up Artist to be involved with antiques, so many of my clients have been kind enough to share their stories about the “artifacts” of their lives; suddenly that dusty tea cup has new meaning, and intrigue. A few stories I’ve collected about antiques thus far include:
A retired nun shared stories about her 1900’s steamer trunk, which she brought across the Atlantic when she left Italy to join a convent in the U.S.
A great-granddaughter has preserved a delicate rose-colored cake platter made of “Depression glass,” that has remained in her family for over 60 yrs. despite poverty and extensive travel.
A six-pack of (still full!) Coke bottles-over 40 years old! An indulgence hidden for a special celebration- that never made it out of the basement!
These are just a few items whose value was hidden under dust and dirt-just waiting to tell their stories again.
Not only am I uncovering some incredible stories, I’ve also been learning some new trivia for dinner parties!
Did you know… that “ricing” potatoes is actually a Scandinavian cooking technique? (and it’s quite tasty!)
Have you ever heard of a “silent butler?” Neither had I! I’ll give you a hint- it’s not a quiet guy in a tux!
Ask someone you know in their 60-80’s if they own any place settings or dishes that were gifts from a bank or even a utility company- you might be surprised at where your dishes come from!
Did you know that items after 1970 aren’t considered “old” enough to be true “antiques” to most collectors? (although they are most certainly vintage and fun!)
When it comes to tools, the heavier the better! And if they are American made- grab them while you can!
Polyester, Plastic & Veneer..while there may be vintage items or antiques that have these features, they are usually a red flag for antique pickers. Look for cotton or wool, steel and solid wood.
Check labels for interesting features such as “made in occupied Japan.” These small details can make a huge difference in price!
Ultimately, value is in the eye of the beholder! For every collector that tells you to pass on Polyester, another one will be desperate to take it off your hands!
If THESE interesting facts don’t get me dinner invitations, nothing else will! Right?!?!
Happy Picking Y’all!