the Pack-Up Blog!

Local Partners : Piano Cycle

Do you ever wonder what happens to a piano when the owner no longer has need for it? Read more!

Minnesota's Best Winners!

Thank you so much to all of our amazing clients and supporters... Read more!

Donation Dream!

Patricia was a lifetime artist, master crafter and entertainer. She had accumulated so many fabulous supplies over the years... Read more!

Whole House Clear out!

After Susan’s parents passed away, she and her siblings were left with a house full of memories and STUFF to deal with... Read more!

Workshop Downsize and Organize!

For Joe, an avid woodworker, and Maureen, a furniture refinisher... Read more!

Are Antiques... Antequated?

I never paid much attention to antiques. For most of my life I considered them “leftover stuff;” usually dusty and taking up space, not something of great value, or worth paying a storage unit to preserve... Read more!

How long to keep Paperwork?

Ahhh... Paperwork... Read more!