Donation Dream

by Sonja
November 12, 2020

Patricia was a lifetime artist, master crafter and entertainer. She had accumulated so many fabulous supplies over the years. When it came time to downsize and clear out her house for resale, she needed our help! Due to COVID restrictions at the time, our team came in on a week-to-week basis; organizing room by room, even all the décor outside, and letting the family have some time in between to decide what they wanted to keep to themselves.

Donations were made for the remaining items each week: To donation centers, metal recycling, electrical recycling, pet shelters, artists and many more. The family was so pleased to be able to put the house up for sale and get past the emotional stress a job like that has on you. Even though COVID restrictions made it a little trickier with communication, this clear out went super smooth.

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